
The best way to send physical letters is through Mail Boxes Etc. (10-14 days) (more information immediately below).  You can also use “” (16-18 days).


The Santiago Mission has contracted with a company called: Mail Boxes Etc. to ship all letters received to its Miami, Florida address to the mission office in Santiago.  For letters and cards only, the mission covers the shipping cost from Miami to Santiago.  This is the most reliable and cheapest means to deliver a letter.  Letters should be addressed as follows:

Sister Kelsea Lynn Jorden
SDQ 8013
PO Box 025725
Miami FL 33102-5725

Packages:  Keep in mind that all packages may be opened for inspection and some are roughed up by the time they arrive. Pack well and accurately declare the contents and their value.  Be sure to ask for the tracking number in case a package is misplaced.  There is a customs tax on packages with a value greater than $200. If it is near $200, it is better to leave the price tag on the items or include a copy of the receipt so customs does not evaluate it to be greater than you paid. Your missionary will have to pay customs fee if the value is over $200 and it will take longer to be delivered. The customs fees for packages that are over $200 are generally 16% to 25% of the total value of the contents.

Although the variety of goods is less in the Dominican Republic and generally more expensive than in the US, one can generally find everything that is needed plus many luxury items.  Some items, such as clothing are less expensive in the DR.  Given the cost of international shipping, if you want to give your missionary and his companion a treat, it is considerably cheaper to give them some extra money to purchase goodies or personal items in the DR.  However, the following information can help you learn the best ways to send items, treats, and materials to your missionary.  To send a package, we recommend one of three ways:

1)      United States and Dominican Republic Postal Services:  This will generally be the cheapest option and service is usually reliable if you ask for a tracking number. The package is shipped to the DR Postal office and the mission office picks it up at the post office in Santiago.  Delivery is generally 18 to 25 days to Santiago.  The post office here requires a “collect on delivery” fee, which is in addition to US postage.  This is charged to the missionary’s local account provided by the mission.  We recommend you put additional money into your missionary’s personal account.  Include the mission office phone number (809-241-1145).  There are additional charges are as follows:

0-3 kg (6.61 lbs.)
3-5 kg (6.61-11.0 lbs.)
RD$ 100 (~US$ 2.35)
5-10 kg (11.0-22.1 lbs.)
RD$ 250 (~US$ 5.87)
>10 kg (22.1 lbs.)
RD$ 500 (~US$ 11.79)

Sister Kelsea Lynn Jorden
Misión Santiago, Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días
Av. Estrella Sadhalá #10 2do piso
Frente a UTESA
Santiago 51000
Dominican Republic
(809) 241-1145

2)      Private Carrier:  This is generally the most expensive but the most reliable option. Delivery is 4 to 7 days. UPSDHL, and FedEx deliver directly to the mission office in the Dominican Republic. These services are more reliable and the fastest. There are usually no additional international shipping costs using these companies, unless its contents have a value over $200, in which case the missionary will have to pay the additional customs duties described above.  Include the mission office phone number (809-241-1145).

Sister Kelsea Lynn Jorden
Misión Santiago, Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días
Av. Estrella Sadhalá #10 2do piso
Frente a UTESA
Santiago 51000
Dominican Republic
(809) 241-1145

3)      Combination:  There are two companies, Mail Boxes Etc. and Arex, that will receive packages in Miami and ship them to Santiago.  Both companies ship to Santiago about once a week and then require a “collect on delivery” fee, which is in addition to what you paid to ship it to Miami.  This is charged to the missionary’s local account provided by the mission.  We recommend you put additional money into your missionary’s personal local account.  The details for each service are as follows:

Mail Boxes Etc.
Delivery Time
14-18 Days
16-21 Days

Price per Pound
US$ 4.25
US$ 3.60
Additional fees:

0-500 grams
(1.10 lb.)
RD$ 30 (~ US$ 0.71)

500-1500 grams
(1.10–3.31 lb.)
RD$ 50 (~ US$ 1.17)

1500-2000 grams
(3.31-4.41 lb.)
RD$ 100 (~US$ 2.36)

2000+ grams
(3.31-4.41 lb.)
RD$ 200 (~US$ 7.13)

Custom fee if value greater than US$ 200
16-25% of value

A typical 10 lbs. package
US$ 47.00
US$ 36.00

Package addressing:

Sister Kelsea Lynn Jorden
SDQ 8013
2250 NW 114th Ave., Unit 1A
Miami, FL 33172-3652
Sister Kelsea Lynn Jorden
8368 NW 66 Street
Miami, FL 33166-2625

1 comment:

  1. I got here much interesting stuff. The post is great! Thanks for sharing it! PO BOX en Miami
