Wednesday, February 4, 2015

It´s been a pretty slow week. We´ve really been working on contacting and meeting new people, and we´ve been teaching quite a few new investigators. A few weeks ago, Hermana Clove and I were walking near Yudi´s house, and we saw a lady sweeping her porch, so we grabbed brooms and helped her sweep. Her neighbors saw us, so they all came over and watched us. They loved it. :) So we came back last week and shared with her. She´s great. On Monday, we were teaching her on her porch, and I felt someone standing behind me. I thought it was one of her daughters who was about to leave the house, but when I turned around, I realized it was a lady who was came to listen to us. I invited her to sit and share with us, so she pulled up a chair. She told us that her sister is a member in Manabao, and that she really likes our religion. So we shared with her too, and they were both excited to have us come back. 

Yesterday, President Buret told us that he had a reference for us. Her name is Joana, and she´s a friend of President Buret´s brother, who isn´t a member. She told him that she was ready to bring Christ into her life, and he suggested the church where his brother was the leader. We met her yesterday, and she´s wonderful. We asked her if she prays, and she told us that she prays every day, and that she can truly feel God´s presence when she prays. She says it´s always a spiritual experience for her. We talked to her for a while, and I really think that the Lord has prepared her to accept the gospel at this time in her life. 

Things are going well with the Valnor family. We´re going to change their baptismal date, because Dieslifort and Nestli´s job requires that they work some Sundays, so we´re going to work with President Buret to help them be able to attend church every day. We started teaching Dieslifort´s brother and his wife, and his sister also said that she wants to go to church. This family is so incredible!
Love you all! Have a great week!

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