It´s been a wet week in the moutains of the Dominican Republic. And it´s been COLD! It´s been so nice. Last night, I snuggled under a blanket wearing my sweatshirt and fuzzy socks. So different than sleeping under a thin sheet with the windows open and the fan blowing on me. It was so great!
The past couple of weeks, we´ve really starting having a lot of different activities with the branch. I feel like it´s really helping to strengthen the friendship and unity of the members, and it´s been so fun. On Friday we had our first Noche de Rancho, where everyone goes to a certain family´s house to have a short lesson and treats. This Friday we´re going to the Abreu´s house. We´re also having mutual every Saturday, and we´re going to start having them with the Young Men, I´m sure we´ll see a jump in attendance from the Young Women. haha Right now, the Young Women are putting together a short play to perform with the Young Men at the Christmas party. They´re going to do Ranpuzel, and then they are practicing Angels We Have Heard on High and Silent Night to perform as an angel choir. haha They´re all so excited about it, and it will be so fun to see how it turns out!
There´s a lady named Deli we´ve been teaching lately, who has been a member for four years, but right now she can´t come to church because she goes to school on Sundays. She decided to go to this school because she can finish in 2 years instead of 4. She´s such a sweet lady, and she´s working so hard get an education and to provide for her two sons. Yesterday, we brought, Ely, a member with us to visit her, and we talked about the scripture that says Ask, and ye shall receive. Knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Ely talked about how she has been so blessed by God in her life. It was so humbling because Ely is in the same situation as Deli. She is trying to work, study, and take care of her daughter, and she doesn´t have a lot of money, but she is so grateful for everything she does have. I was in awe of these two hard working, strong women, who have hardly any possessions, but they are so grateful for what they have. After we shared our message, Ely was talking about church and her sister, and Deli realized that she had been talking with her sister a few days earlier. Her sister, Iris, told her that Ely had just quit a job, and Iris thought that Deli could take over for her. They talked, and Ely said that she would talk to her boss and try to get her the job. It was so awesome, and it was a testament to the message we had just shared, that God loves us and truly wants to bless us in all of our endeavours. I am so grateful to be here and witness the Lord´s hand in the lives of these wonderful people.
I´m so grateful to be a missionary, and for this chance to change my life and to come closer to Christ. But, please remember, that it doesn´t take a mission to come closer to our Savior. All it takes is a desire, just like Alma 32 says. If you feel something missing in your life, turn towards the Savior. Give yourself over to him, and I promise that he will change your life. A few weeks ago, my mom sent me a quote by Ezra Taft Benson that I just love:Men and women who turn their lives over to God will discover that He can make a lot more out of their lives than they can. He will deepen their joys, expand their vision, quicken their minds, strengthen their muscles, lift their spirits, multiply their blessings, increase their opportunities, comfort their souls, raise up friends, and pour out peace. Whoever will lose his life in the service of God will find eternal life.
Thank you for your influences in my life. I love you all so dearly and hope that you have a great week.
Hermana Jorden
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