Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Well, another great week here in the DR!

We had two investigators come to church! They were both late, so we were so sad that no one came, and then they both showed up, and Hermana Hunsaker and I were so excited! We were practically jumping in our seats. It was so wonderful! Yudi could only stay for sacrament (apparently we forgot to tell her that church is 3 hours haha), but Yesenia stayed for all three. She left as soon as it was over, and she wasn´t home for her appointment, so were weren´t able to ask her what she thought, but we are hoping to stop by this week and teach her. We met with Yudi on Monday, and she told us that she really liked church. She had a few questions, so we answered them and then we taught her about the gospel of Jesus Christ. After we taught her about baptism, Hermana Hunsaker asked her if she would follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized, and she said yes! I asked her how she felt about baptism and if she believed what we´ve been teaching her, and she said she believes everything we have taught and that she wants to be baptized. She said that she´s heard that we don´t drink alcohol and she knows that it´s bad and she shouldn´t drink, and she wants to change her life. She has truly been prepared by the Lord. I´m so grateful for the oppotunity to teach her. We set a date for October 4. I´m so excited! 

Really, that´s all the news I have for this week. haha We spent most of the week walking and walking, kind of like the pioneer song. haha But we´re staying positive and trying to work hard! 

I´m really starting to understand and make a contribution to the lessons. It feels so good. I am starting to be able to do more than give my planned part of each lesson, and I feel like I can actually help people. I just can´t wait until I can really talk to these people!

Being a missionary is wonderful. There are many hard days, sad days, and long days, but they make the good days so much sweeter. I´m learning so much every day, and I can´t wait to see what the Lord has in store for me. 
I love you all!
Hermana Jorden

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